HL7 Work Group Meeting Baltimore

Karl Holzer from Compu Group Medical Austria and Oliver Krauss attended the September Work Group Meeting (WGM) of HL7 for our Project KIMBO. A big thank you to HL7 Austria for sponsoring Olivers attendance.

During the Connecthaton they tested some of the Workflow Request – Event patterns in the Clinical Decision Support Track. Specifically the B, C and D using Request Resources as Placer to seek fullfillment, and answering with appropriate Task resources as fullfiller. Facit is that some Resources still miss vital information to adhere to the Request – Event pattern (based-on) and with polling there will be scaling issues.

Karl had the opportunity of presenting the KIMBO Project during the Sunday AID session (see picture).

AID Session Baltimore.

There is a lot of interesting new things happening in FHIR. For one FluentPath will be renamed back to FHIRPath, FHIR STU3 will be official soon, and Referencing by Identifiers is a hot topic right now. We are already looking forward to the next round at the FHIR DevDays in Amsterdam!