Christoph Praschl and Gerald Zwettler had the pleasure to present several publications in the context of AIST research projects at this year’s virtual I3M conference (International Multidisciplinary Modeling & Simulation Multiconference).
On the first conference day (09/15/2021), Gerald presented the paper “Practicable Paradigms for Semi-Automated Expert-User Post-Processing of Deep-Learning Segmentations in 3D Radiology” (DOI: and Christoph presented the paper “Multi-Resolution Localization of Individual Logs in Wooden Piles Utilizing YOLO with Tiling on Client/Server Architectures” (DOI: This was followed by a second presentation by Gerald on the second day of the conference (09/16/2021) on the topic “EpiMon: Vision-Based Early Warning System for Monitoring Uprising Epileptic Seizures During Night” (DOI: present.
We would like to thank all participants of the respective sessions for sharing their thoughts and comments.