Apro Kassensysteme GmbH is a company in the field of gastronomy that, in addition to classic POS systems for the catering industry, also provides apps and digital solutions for restaurant businesses. The app already depicts restaurant processes, or supports and supplements them. For example, an app order will be placed in the restaurant e.g. to the bar (with drinks) or to the kitchen (with food) led. In cooperation with RG AIST, Apro POS Systems now wants to expand the existing app solution by adding intelligent suggestion possibilities. This suggestion system should be usable for both the restaurateur and the restaurant customer. Both customer groups – restaurateurs and guest user data are to be collected and processed using techniques and algorithms from the field of data analytics. The user data should therefore result in behavioral profiles.
Runtime: 01.01.2019 – 31.12.2021
Partner: Apro Kassensysteme GmbH
Funding: Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) – General Programme