REPO – Radiology E-health PlatfOrm
Goal of this project is the development of a radiology system over all facilites using the austrian e-health-infrastructure. The radiology workflow, which was identified in a previous project (WIRE), should be extended by collaborative elements. Starting from the diagnosis via dictation up to the feedback-mechanism at the end of the radiology workflow, e-health-applications for improving the process and quality are planned. With this, the collaboration of radiologist, as well as other relevant healthcare facilites, should be improved.
Runtime: 01.06.2017 – 31.03.2021
Partners: CAS – Computer Anwendungs Systeme GmbH
Funding: Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) – General Programme

WIRE – Workflow for Image prefetching in Radiology for ELGA
The passage of the ELGA-bill and the stepwise introduction of the austrian electronic health record changed the conditions for the work of radiologists in some subareas. Goal of WIRE was providing radiologists pictures of previous examinations during their diagnosis. This preloading should be done using the ELGA-infrastructure.
Runtime: 01.10.2013 – 30.09.2015
Partners: CAS, Computer Anwendungs Systeme GmbH
Funding: Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) – General Programme