ARISE – Advertisement Recommendation and Intelligent Scheduling for Elevators
During the project ARISE, a new emergency system for hearing-impaired persons will be developed together with VIEW Promotion GmbH. In this project, a new terminal will be designed that, additionally to the typical integrated loudspeaker, also has a monitor. On this monitor, questions can be asked and answered using two different buttons. To reduce the price for the owner of the elevator, advertisements will be displayed on this monitor. The main aspect of ARISE is the automatic generation of advertisement schedules for these elevators.
Runtime: 01.01.2015 – 31.12.2016
Partners: VIEW Promotion GmbH
Funding: Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) – General Programme
2016 – Heuristics for Job Shop Scheduling with Volatile Machine Constraints
IEEE Advanced Information Management,Communicates,Electronic and Automation Control Conference, Xi’an, Xi’an, China, 2016 (Details)
O. Krauss, D. Wilfing, A. Schuler
2016 – Elevator Simulation for Testing Advertisement Scheduling Systems
IEEE Advanced Information Management,Communicates,Electronic and Automation Control Conference, Xi’an, Xi’an, China, 2016 (Details)
D. Wilfing, O. Krauss, A. Schuler