Treetop Medical
The overall goal of Treetop Medical is to digitally model medical knowledge in order to make it available for patient care by means of digital applications. The company is convinced that digitally processed locally available and concrete knowledge in combination with hybrid, AI-supported intelligent services can create a great benefit for all stakeholders. Treetop Medical has identified clinical guidelines as a key element for digitally modeling clinically relevant medical knowledge. In terms of content, these are based on the results of clinical studies and include recommendations for the classification and definition as well as the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. The goal of the project is to implement digital, machine-readable target treatment paths as part of digital medical guidelines as well as the machine-readable mapping of medical semantics.
Runtime: 15.12.2022 – 14.12.2025
Partners: Treetop Medical Gmbh
Funding: Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) – General Programme